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Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC)
Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada is offered in two locations outside of HRM. The LINC program is for adult immigrants and refugees who need to develop the necessary language and life skills to actively participate in Canadian society. The program offers the development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills based on Canadian Language Benchmarks using real world tasks and learners are assessed through PBLA (Portfolio Based Language Assessment).

Anchor 1
Language anchor
Nianhua (Jenny) Liu
YMCA Language Coordinator
LINC ( Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) & YREACH (Recognizing Enhancing Aligning Community Horizons)
YMCA of Greater Halifax / Dartmouth, Centre for Immigrant Programs
104-7071 Bayers Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia. B3L 2C2
Ph: (902) 225-2287
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